Friday, March 11, 2016

Australia 2016 - Sunset Drinks and Dinner

Friday was a quiet day to work on this blog, for example, and also do some wedding prep. It's pretty hot around here, so going out in the daytime is not always the best option. Our flat has air conditioning, which is very nice indeed.

Around 4:30 we picked up the Schneiers and headed off for the beautiful suburb of Cottesloe.(Fremantle is all suburbs, like St. Louis)  Lots of gorgeous homes here, and the Civic Centre is in one of the oldest and largest. There is a beautiful lawn that looks west over the ocean, up above Cottesloe beach where Eileen and her sister Jean always went when they were young. (They lived a ways away in Mosman Park.) Everyone brought beverages, and the Australian men had a pickup cricket game! It was a beautiful evening and a lovely, lovely spot.

After the sunset, about 10 of the adults went to a local Italian restaurant for dinner - Il Lido, appropriately. It was very good, but very loud, and we spent the evening hollering at each other. But, as they say, a good time was had by all!

We delivered the Schneiers back to their hotel and headed back to the flat. Tomorrow is the wedding!

1 comment:

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